Shahvazian N, Hashemi A S, Shakiba M, Farahzadi M H, Mahmoodabadi F. Efficacy of Chicory in Decreasing Serum Ferritin and Liver Enzymes in Major Beta Thalassemia Patients. Iran J Ped Hematol Oncol 2010; 1 (1) :4-7
Abstract: (10266 Views)
Thalassemia major is a severe transfusion-dependent anemia that needs iron chalation therapy to remove iron overload. The objectives of the present study were to assess the iron overload liver response to inulin of chicory supplementation by evaluating the serum ferritin and liver enzymes.
Among 70 beta thalassemia patients, 50 were selected for chelating therapy using inulin of chicory. The initial dose was 1gr given twice a day. Twenty patients were excluded because of Hepatitis B and C and cardiac heart failure.
From 50 patients, 47 patients tolerated chicory, which the majority showed dramatic responses. Mean serum ferritin level decreased from 3563.09 ng/ml to 1728.54 ng/ml. Mean serum AST level decreased from 25.44 u/lit to 22.25 u/lit. Mean serum ALT level decreased from 30 .861u/lit to 25.085u/iit. Serum ferritin level decreased significantly after treatment (PV≈ 0.00), but there was no significant difference in AST (PV=0.379) and Alt (0.367) after chicory treatment.
The present results suggest that chicory can reduce iron over load and liver enzymes. Significant differences in serum ferritin were found during intervention, but not in LFT enzymes.
Type of Study:
Research |
Heart Received: 2012/02/21 | Published: 2010/11/15